Pipefitter Jobs for Skilled Journeymen Pipefitters and Pipe Fitting Tradesmen

Need a Pipefitter Job?

Grus Construction specializes in getting you Pipefitter Jobs from some of the top Pipefitter Contractors in the nation. Some of the nation's top employers of Pipefitters retain Grus to hire the pipefitters they need for their projects nationwide. Grus helps Pipefitters that work for them find the best jobs on the best projects. Do you want to find pipefitter jobs in your local area? Or do you want to find pipefitter jobs where you get to travel across the country? Grus will help you find the pipefitting job that suits your needs, jobs with great pay, overtime, per diem, travel and ROF bonuses. Also projects include industrial shutdowns and fast paced commercial projects. Contractors often use Grus to recruit for direct hire temporary and permanent positions within their company as well.

Have a Pipefitter Job that needs filled?

Grus Construction specializes in helping employers find the best Pipefitters for the job. List your jobs on Grus and you could find the pipefitter you need today. Instead of being limited to the local area, you can now get pipefitters from anywhere in the country.


  • Pipefitters
  • Insulators
  • Sprinkler Fitters


  • Sprinkler Fitter
  • Pipe Fabricator
  • Screw Pipe Mechanic
  • Stainless Steel
  • Layout and Shoot Elevations
  • Layout and Fit Saddles
  • Hydraulic over 3,000 PSI
  • Steam over 90 PSI
  • Boilerfitter
The Pipefitter Jobs listed below are just a few of the ones we have right now.
To view all jobs use the Job Search button below.

Immediate Jobs / Openings

There are no immediate boilermaker jobs open at this time. Please check back later.

If you don't see a location or trade that suits your needs, please remember this is just a few of the jobs we have. To view all jobs please use the Job Search below. Keep in mind that Grus Construction Personnel can place you in a position anywhere in the continental U.S.!